
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)

CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) Course

The CITI training modules are web-based training courses for those conducting research with human subjects, animal subjects and/or biohazards. All Principal Investigators, Co-Investigators, and study personnel must complete CITI training with a minimum score of 80%. Follow the steps below to sign up for the CITI Course:

  • Go to
  • Select "Register"
  • Step 1 - Participating Institutions: 第一吃瓜网
  • Step 2 - Create a username and password
  • Complete remaining contact and information fields
  • Check the course you are required to complete

Below are the modules which the 第一吃瓜网 requires, dependent upon the project. 

Human Subjects (IRB)

Below are the modules which the 第一吃瓜网 requires, dependent upon the project. Select module(s) related to your research and outlined by the University's human subjects protections education requiements.

Animal Subjects (IACUC)

Below are the modules which the 第一吃瓜网 requires, dependent upon the project. Select module related to your research.

  • Aseptic surgery
  • Essentials for IACUC Members
  • Reducing Pain and Distress in Laboratory Mice and Rats
  • Working with the IACUC
  • Working with Amphibians in Research Settings
  • Working with Hamsters in Research Settings
  • Working with Mice in Research
  • Working with Rats in Research Settings

Questions:  Contact Dr. Chris Howey at christopher.howey@scranton.edu

Biohazards (IBC)

Below are the modules which the 第一吃瓜网 requires, dependent upon the project. Select module related to your research.

  • Basic Biosafety Training
  • Emergency and Incident Response to Biohazard Spills and Releases
  • Institutional Biosafety Committee Member Course
  • NIH Recombinant DNA (rDNA) Guidelines
  • OSHA Personal Protective Equipment Training

Questions:  Contact Paul Cutrufello at paul.cutrufello@scranton.edu

Responsible Conduct Research (RCR)

Below are the modules which the 第一吃瓜网 requires, dependent upon the project. Select module related to your research.

NSF and NIH mandates that institutions develop a Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) instruction plan and requires that anyone involved in NSF or NIH funding complete the approved training.  The 第一吃瓜网 complies with this mandate by providing the following courses accessible through the CITI program.

  • RCR for Biomedical Investigators
  • RCR for Social and Behavioral Investigators
  • RCR for Administrators (IRB, DRB, IACUC, or IBC Members ONLY)

Questions:  Contact Kate Yerkes at kathryn.yerkes@scranton.edu

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